Blog updated 12 February 2024 to reflect the announced postponement of the New Sales Pricing Experience
Did you know that Microsoft is rolling out a New Sales Pricing Experience for Business Central? This functionality has been an optional feature since 2020, but as from the 2025 release wave 1, it will be the standard pricing format in Business Central. In this blog, we take an overview of the New Sales Pricing Experience and how and when it will be introduced.
What do we mean by New Sales Pricing Experience?
New Sales Pricing Experience is a new pricing and discounting model that is available in Business Central. This new model, based around “price lists” replaces the current Sales and Purchase pricing and discount model. The current pricing model was going to be deprecated in June 2024 following the 2024 Wave 1 Update but Microsoft has decided to postpone this until the 2025 Wave 1 Update (click here for the announcement). It is important to note that the New Sales Pricing Experience only applies to those customers who are on SaaS.
What are the features of the New Sales Pricing Experience?
There are a number of new and exciting features included within the New Sales Pricing Experience.
These include:
The introduction of a system of easy to manage price lists, rather than the old system of one long list. These new price and discount lists can all be viewed and managed from one place within your Business Central system.
With the move to multiple price lists, users can set up individual pricing and discounting lists for different categories. This could be a price list for an individual customer, a particular customer groups (for example, a particular price list for your retail clients), sales campaigns, resources, resource group, as well as G/L accounts.
Individual price lists and discounts are now very easy to switch on and off. Therefore, you can easily set up a price list across the dates of a particular sales campaign and then make it “inactive” once the campaign is over. It can then be reused for another campaign once the dates are changed and it is made “active” again.
The creation of new price list lines can be done manually or by using the “Suggest Lines” action. This allows users to create new prices for selected items, item discount groups, resources, and other product types. Users can also now use the “Copy Lines” action to copy existing price list lines between price lists.
The system now includes a new pricing history functionality that allows users to see how prices have fluctuated over time and provides a better understanding the effect of pricing changes on sales.
Moving to the New Sales Pricing Experience
If your business has recently moved to Business Central, you are probably already set up with the New Sales Pricing Experience as your default pricing model.
If you are still on the old pricing model, TVision advises customers to make the time to test the new model before going live. It is important to note that once you move to the New Sales Pricing Experience in Live there is no going back to the old version.
Therefore, we are advising users to firstly create a copy of their live environment, migrate this copy to the new model, and test the new system thoroughly. The system can suggest a number of new pricing models for you, we do recommend you use this option as they are fairly intuitive as experienced by existing clients using this automated predictive feature. Robust testing will help you to work out what type of price lists you want to start with and will show how easy it will be to transition to them. Once you are happy with these, only then enable the New Sales Pricing Experience feature in your live environment.
How can TVision Technology help?
To help our customers understand the New Sales Pricing Experience and how it will affect them, we recently held a webinar on this functionality. Ian Robinson gave a demonstration for Business Central users, of how easy it is to enable the functionality and answered some of the frequently asked customer questions on the topic.
If customers still have questions after watching this, or need some more help, please contact Jack Hurley in our Support Team at .